Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Core 1 Week 4 Day 1 (and Core P 4/5 week 1 day 3)

I've decided that I don't have enough on my plate already. Why not start a blog, then right?

We're doing Core 1 so far. I'm adding in a list of supplements my friend Stephanie and I came up with for this core. We are loving it, so far. Another time I'll post a list of all the things we are using.

But, for today, I think I'll share a brief story about how our day ended today. So you all can see how even those of us who have been doing this for six years can have "one of those days as well."

So, we started out great. Got through tons of resources, and everything was smooth. Did all of week 4 day 1.

Then, at the very end of the day, it was only 10:30 pm (we start late and finish late most of the time), and the kids have been going to bed around 11 lately, so I told them they could finish up the only thing left over from Week 3. The science experiments. I had wanted to wait until tomorrow when my new magnets came in the mail, but they wanted to do it tonight, so I relented.

My youngest was sound asleep by this time, so it was just Vaneza, Xzavier, and Zacarayah. We watched the video, and then the started to do the experiments themselves, out of order. The second to the last one was the one where they tried to figure out how to pick up a piece of paper, using only a nail and a magnet, which took them all of 2 seconds to figure out, even though I didn't let them watch that part of the video.

So, they each had a round magnet and a nail.

Then, we tried to make the little boats, using the corks, pins, tacks, magnets, and tape. So I had to dig through all the boxes for the things. Got them all out. Then, the kids couldn't find the magnets that I had given them. Never mind that it was about 20 SECONDS AGO that I last saw them have them. So, we searched all over, cleaning up school supplies while we were at it, and I was straightening up everything.

After about 10 minutes, we finally found them. They were hiding back in the school supply box. Well, by that time, my 4 year old had lost his cork AND his tack. So we had to hunt for those. Then, they wanted to color the paper sails to make them look prettier. So, they did that.

THEN, they couldn't find the magnets. Again. The same ones we had just finished looking all over for.

So, we found them, again. On top of the TV. I don't know how they got over there, it's way over on the other side of the room.

So, they start putting together their boats, and I tape the magnets on for them. They use the science boxes to balance the tray of water.

Then, I remember that I hadn't gotten the pins out for the boats. So, they take the tray of water off, spilling half the water all over. Get the pints, out, they the refill the tray BEFORE they put it back on, and guess what happened? Spilled half the water. Again.

So, now we had boats, which floated. OK, so time to pick everything up and put it away. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I'm going though the science supplies box lists and making sure we aren't losing ONE SINGLE ITEM.

So, I notice that one of the pins is missing out of the box. I ask my 6 year old where his pin was, and he said he never got one. I KNEW I had given him one, and told him so, but he insisted he didn't get one. But, there's this little empty space where a pin went, so I was pretty sure it wasn't me losing my mind. This time, anyway.

So, we go on a pin hunt. My kids had just finished reading the book "Mickey's Magnet" (don't you just love how books come to life) where a child had spilled a box of pins all over the floor and picked them up with a magnet (and I wondered how he was so sure he had gotten them all, and no one stepped on one two days later). So, they got out their magnets again, and went sweeping over the carpet on the pin hunt.

My 6 year old was the one who found the pin he insisted I had not given him. Right by where he had been standing. :rolleyes:

So, I told him "hold on to it for a minute, while I finish sorting out these boxes." So, I finished checking all the other stuff, and then told my kids to give me the pin and their magnets. To which my 6 year old replied "I already gave you the pin."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

"I asked you to hold on to it for a minute."

"Yeah, but I gave it to you."

"Where did you put it?"

"Right here." Points to the inside open cover of the science supply kit, which, no surprise, is completely pinless (another new word).

Believe me, no one was LESS shocked at this discovery than I was. Mind you, they were going to go to bed at 11:00, and now it's 11:30, and I'm still missing a pin.

So, they go on a pin hunt. Again.

Find the pin. I take the pin and quickly put it away in the correct spot, and tuck it into. Then, after all this hassle, I got really side tracked in checking my boxes and had to recheck them.

"OK, I've got everything but the magnets. Give me your magnets, guys."

I get two magnets. I look up. Yep, still three kids. Check again. Two magnets.

"I'm missing a magnet."

"I gave you mine."

"I gave you mine."

"I gave you mine."

Three answers, in a big papa bear voice, a little mama bear voice, and wee little baby bear voice.

Things are NOT just right.

"I have two magnets, and I gave you guys three of them."

So, we go on a magnet hunt. Find the magnet. Put it away.

Boxes are now WAY up high, and I don't know if we're going to do science experiments this week again. I need time to recover.

But, of course, those magnets come in the mail tomorrow, and the kids don't know about them yet, so once they get here, they're gonna want to go check them out.



1 comment:

  1. Congrats on starting your blog...I'm sure you will have lots of info to share...I remember reading your post on the SL Forums back in 2008 and they were always helpful...I'm sure this blog will become a resource for many...
