Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Core 1 Week 9: I Am the Mummy Heb-Nefert by Eve Bunting

Product Details

Rating 7/10

*IF* I were the type to like poetry, this book would probably rate higher.  So, for those who would like to try to add a poetry element to their ancient Egypt study, this would be the book I would pick.  The book has a darker tone to it, but still appropriate for many young children.  It is written from Heb-Nefert's point of view, and describes many of the things she might have seen or done during her life.  There is a section or so on how she died, and she left her body and watched them make a mummy out of her, and described the process, and watching people come to visit her as a mummy and look at her in the museum.  I am not entirely sure how I feel about that, so definitely a pre-read, but nothing so obvious that over-picky me would say to definitely drop the book.  The whole theme of the book is that looking at a mummy now may be ugly and scary, but once she was a queen and was beautiful, and her beauty has faded, but she feels the same inside.

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