Monday, November 1, 2010

The Winged Cat and other tales of ancient civilizations by deborah nourse lattimore

Rating: 0/10


How's that for a warning?

Includes 3 stories:

1.  The winged cat--girl who is not dead visits the underworld to save a cat, ghost of cat guides her through the underworld by helping her read the magic spells.  Much discussion of gods being worshiped and demons waiting to devour. 

2.  The demon Pazuzu and the tower of Babel--boy prays to demon god to protect him from sandstorm, and is saved. Finds dog who he names after demon god Pazuzu to thank god for saving him.  Goes with old man as slaves to paint pictures of gods and goddesses on walls.  Is presented to Nebuchadnezzar (not sure how, since it is a tower of Babel story?). Tries to trick him by pretending he is the god Marduk.  King tries to sacrifice dog Pazuzu to Marduk.  Boy tells king he is dishonoring god Pazuzu by doing so, and must not.  Dog turns into demon and sends a sandstorm to save boy. 

3.  The prince and the golden ax--princess wears charms, reminds brother that although she has the gift of spells, they must still honor the goddess Diktynna.  They go to feast games, brother win competition and declares himself more powerful than the goddess after he wins.  They anger the goddess, and have to set out on a series of quests to retrieve items to appease goddess.  Boy continues boasting each time he accomplishes one.  Princess weaves spells to help them through and boy uses strength.  Goddess gets angry and sinks city.

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